About Peter
Peter Bloch has been a full-time woodworker for nearly 40 years, and is now amongst the most respected and well-known woodturners in the country. He has been juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen since 1982 and was a founder of the Guild of NH Woodworkers and the Granite State Woodturners. His roles in the League include being a wood juror for over 20 years, and he can be seen every year at the League's Annual Craftsmen's Fair in Sunapee, NH, the oldest craft fair in the country. Peter is a graduate of Hampshire College and the Harvard School of Education. Peter has lived in NH for 45 years, 35 of them with his wife Kathy Lowe, who is an artist and musician.
No other woodworker makes lampshades in this style, ie full-sized, fully functional, and turned on a lathe. Peter developed this unique technique himself, starting with a fortuitous observation nearly 30 years ago - his bowls and vessels could be translucent when they were carved to be extra thin. It was a barely perceivable glow through the wood, but further experimenting over the next five years finally yielded the eureka moment, when Peter first made a shade from Aspen wood. Immediately he knew that this was the look he had been trying to achieve. Everything came together, creating a shade that was bright and radiant, flexible and durable, artistic and utilitarian.